FOI requests
FOI requests
Any member of the general public can make a request under FOI to ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃseeking access to documents held by the organisation. It can relate to any specific: event, process, project, service, administrative area, and or College or School that forms part of the organisation.
Members of the general public are also able to seek access to their personal information held by the University. You are able to request amendment of your personal information if it is found to be incorrect, inaccurate or misleading.
How to make a request
There is no application fee required and no requirement for a specific form to be submitted when making a request. However, we do encourage you to use the form we have online via FOI application form as it assists us in more efficiently processing your request.
For further details see /freedom-of-information/foi-requests/how-can-i-make-a-request.
Access to staff or student files
ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃhas an established procedure for staff and students (past and present) to request access to their staff or student files. This procedure does not require you to make a formal FOI application.
Things to consider before making a formal FOI request
Before you make a formal request for access to documents, you should consider the following:
- Is the information you seek in a document?
The FOI Act allows you to request access to documents. Generally, under the FOI Act you cannot request information that is not in an existing document, nor can you request answers to questions. A request must be for information contained in documents in our possession at the date of your request.
- Is the scope of your request actionable?
You need to provide sufficient information to allow us to identify the document(s) you are seeking. The scope of your request should identify specific documents, or at least broad types of documents from a specific group of people. Be specific about the information you wish to receive. Include details like date ranges and the likely location of information, if possible.
Where the scope of a request covers large areas, extensive lists of staff, or lengthy date ranges, search activities become increasingly complex and difficult to manage. Where this happens the search can create a significant and unreasonable diversion of the University’s resources – this can result in a practical refusal of the request where you will be asked to consult about revising the request.
- Is the information already publicly available?
ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃsupports a 'pro-disclosure' culture (favouring proactive and timely release of information) and endeavors to make as much information as possible available via the ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃweb site /.Our Information Publication Scheme page has useful links covering who we are, what we do and reports available /freedom-of-information/information-publication-scheme. Many applications for information that the University receives relate to information that is available within the University's Annual Report, which is accessible via the Strategic Planning, Initiatives and Annual Reports page.
The annual report includes a range of information including, but not limited to:
- information on the ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃExecutive
- annual results & sources of income
- performance statement
- Work Health and Safety
- Finances
- Key compliance obligations
- annual report requirements (and how they have been met).
Staggering multiple requests
If you have a large number of requests to make, please consider that the FOI function is likely also managing a range of other FOI requests at any given time. To ensure your request can be processed in a timely and efficient way, we would appreciate multiple requests being staggered so they are able to be processed consecutively, rather than concurrently. We understand that this may not always be possible due to circumstances, but appreciate your consideration when submitting requests.