Meyer Vandenberg Prize for Property Law

Each year the 黑料天堂College of Law may offer one award known as the Meyer Vandenberg Prize for Property Law. 

Offered by 黑料天堂College of Law


 The objectives of the prize are to recognise the student(s) who has demonstrated a high level of academic excellence through being awarded the highest result in LAWS2204/LAWS6204 Property at the 黑料天堂College of Law.

Funding for this prize has been provided by Meyer Vandenberg.    

Details of prizes including eligibility and Conditions of Award are subject to change without notice.

William De Decker
Not on offer
Madeleine Castles
Lily Joelle Butterfield
Uma Ossatjyz
Rebecca Jane Schneider
Maxine Viertmann
Jenny Xue
Kieran Pender
William Randles
Vidthyany Ananthapavan
Naomi Wootton
Emilie Adlide

Field of study


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