Academic Board News – Meeting: 3/2023 – 27 June 2023

24 Jul 2023

Academic Board News  

Meeting 3/2023

27 June 2023



Academic Board held its third meeting of the year on 27 June 2023.



Academic Board held its second meeting of the year on 27 June 2023 via zoom.

The following is a summary of the key matters considered and discussed by the Board at this meeting:

Report from the Chair

The Chair spoke to the written report and highlighted key items with members, including; that since the last Academic Board there were no out of session items considered; that setting and monitoring benchmarks will be a priority for the Board in the second half of 2023 - a management response to the Wells Advisory review on student benchmarking will be submitted to Academic Board 4 (22 August) for discussion.

Report from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Professor Keith Nugent, delivered an update on the activities of the Research Portfolio, highlighting work being undertaken with the Research Infrastructure and Initiatives team to develop an agreed set of cross-disciplinary research priorities. To structure conversations and guide the consultation process a discussion paper 'Research Priorities 2024 - 2029' has been circulated to College Deans and Associate Deans Research. Feedback is due 23 July and will inform the development of a formal 'Research Priorities 2024 -2029 Proposal' which will be submitted to Academic Board 4/2023.

Report from the Dean HDR

The Dean HDR, Professor Ann Evans, delivered a report and updated the Board on the activities and priorities of the HDR Office including; the appointment of a HDR Industry Engagement Consultant; the launch of the HDR SharePoint site; ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃHDR Programs that have received additional government funding; updates regarding iThenticate platform; the Thesis Proposal Review which is currently underway; results from the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) and the process for reporting the outcomes from the 2022 HDR Program Reviews.

ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃUndergraduate Curriculum Framework

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Professor Grady Venville, provided the Board with an update on the implementation of the Curriculum Framework, which was approved at Academic Board 6/2022. All ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃColleges have facilitated workshops to deliberate on unique challenges and inform the development of conceptual plans. A moderated implementation timeline has been prepared, the focus is ensuring the timeline is feasible and adaptive to Colleges unique needs and requirements. The framework will be governed by ADE's in conjunction with extraordinary AQAC meetings when required. 

TLDC Charter - Updated to Learning and Teaching Committee

The Pro-Vice Chancellor Education and Digital, Professor Maryanne Dever, advised members that a review of the Teaching and Learning Development Committee (TLDC) Charter was prompted by the development of the Teaching and Learning Strategy and insights drawn the TLDC self-assessment. The proposed revisions are necessary and appropriate to reflect the objectives of the Committee. Board discussed the proposed revision that delegates the responsibility for the appointment of student representatives to the ANUSA President - Board recommended a minor word change to the proposed revision to nominate rather than appoint to ensure a level of consistency across sub-committees.

Other matters

Academic Board also considered other significant matters, including: Academic Board Charter Proposed Revisions (details in separate paper submitted to Council); Report from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and updates on implementation of the new Extenuating Circumstances Application (ECA) procedure; and update on TEQSA Re-registration and developments from the meeting that took place on 8 June; and update on the Implementation of Working Party and Review Recommendations - AQAC Report; endorsement of the ºÚÁÏÌìÌÃForeign Interference Framework; an update on the future English and Maths admission requirements which will be undertaken in conjunction with the planned Admissions Review and the approval of revisions to the Administration of International Students Under the Age of 18 Years.