2022 Australia Day Honours recipients

Barry Roots OAM
BA '71
For service to secondary education.
Jennifer Graves AC
HonDSc '19
For eminent service to science, particularly脗聽through leadership and research in evolutionary genetics, to international and national professional societies, for science education in schools, and as a mentor and role model for脗聽women.
Rodney Sims AO
MEc '74
For distinguished service to public administration in economic policy and regulatory roles.聽
David Gruen AO
GDipEc '85, PhD '91
For distinguished service to public administration, to economic research, to business, and to education.
Charles Smith OAM
BSc(Forestry) '69
For service to commercial forestry sector.
Damon Higginbotham CSC
MMil&Def '16
For outstanding achievement as Commanding Officer Health Support Unit 1 deployed to Victoria during Operation COVID-19 ASSIST.
James Taylor OAM
PhD '15
For service to emergency medicine, and to the community.
Virginia Hooker AM
BA(OrientalStudies) '68
For significant service to tertiary education, and to Asia-Pacific relations.
Troy Van Tienhoven OAM
MMil&Def '14
For meritorious service to the Royal Australian Navy in the fields of Maritime Command and Training.
Nicole Jarvis PSM
BPsych '05
For outstanding public service through contributions to the successful establishment and operation of the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre.
Tracy Allison CSC
MMil&Def '16
For outstanding devotion to duty in the personnel management of Army's Senior Officers.
Mary Toohey PSM
GDipPubLaw '00
For outstanding public service to law reform in the Australian Capital Territory and supporting the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Simon Johnstone CDS
MStratSt '13
For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the Director of Strategy and Plans Combined Joint Force Operation Inherent Resolve and the Australian Senior National Representative on Operation OKRA from November 2019 to December 2020.
Allan Anforth AM
GDipPubLaw '86
For significant service to the law, to social welfare, and to education.
Graham Tuckwell AO
BEc '79, LLB '82, HonDUniv '15
For distinguished service to the community through philanthropic support of education scholarships, and to business.
Geoffrey Lancaster AO
BA(Mus) '77
For distinguished service to the arts, particularly music, through education, performance, research and philanthropy.
Susan Barrell AO
PhD '80
For distinguished service to earth science through meteorology and research organisations.
Louise Tuckwell AO
HonDUniv '15
For distinguished service to the community through philanthropic support of education scholarships.
Milton Lewis OAM
MA '73, PhD' 77
For service to community health.
David Luchetti PSM
BA '89
For outstanding public service to science and industry policy in Australia, particularly in the Square Kilometre Array project.
Michelle Baxter PSM
LLB '88, BA '86
For outstanding public service to the health and safety of Australian workplaces and the community, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Samuel Waite CSM
MMil&Def '15
For meritorious devotion to duty as Commander Australian Contingent Operation MAZURKA and Chief of Operations of the Multinational Force and Observers, from 21 January 2020 to 8 February 2021.
David Marshall CSM
MMil&Def '15
For meritorious devotion to duty in engineering and airworthiness management for the MRH90 helicopter at the Army Aviation Systems Program Office.
Jeremy Bechtel CSC
MMil&Def '19
For outstanding achievement as Staff Officer Grade One Current Networks.
John Williams AM
PhD '97
For significant service to tertiary education, to the law, and to professional organisations.
Peter Mcgrath AM
LLB '94, GDipLegPrac '95
For significant service to rugby union as an administrator, and to tertiary education.
Gareth Bowering CSC
MMil&Def '14
For outstanding achievement as the officer in charge of the Operation Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2018 ASSIST Liaison Advice and Assistance Joint Task Group.
Peter Williams AM
BA '76
For significant service to the Catholic Church in Australia, and to tertiary education.
Stephanie Williams PSM
MAppEpid '10
For outstanding public service in planning and implementing the Australian Government's vaccine response in the Indo-Pacific region.
Robin Mclachlan OAM
PhD '78
For service to the community of Bathurst.
Callum Carmichael CSM
MMilSt '12
For meritorious achievement in cyber operations in Headquarters Joint Operations Command for the Australian Defence Force.
Jessica Morrison OAM
BEc '15
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020.
Kate Carriage CSM
MMil&Def '21
For meritorious devotion to duty as the Naval Aviation Systems Program Office Deputy Chief Engineer between January 2019 and December 2020.
James Murray CDS
BEc '93, GDipArts '94
For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the Deputy Commander Train Advise and Assist Command - South, Kandahar, Afghanistan on Operation HIGHROAD from January to October 2020.
Justine Curnow PSM
BA '05, JD '16
For outstanding public service in leading the assistance package to sustain and revive the arts and entertainment sectors through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ivan Neville PSM
BA '81, GDipDemog '88
For outstanding public service in improving labour market policies and responsiveness to labour market developments, particularly to address unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic recovery.
Gavin Duncan AM
MSA '09
For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in the fields of organisational change and cultural reform, and strategic military responses development.
Samuel Padman CSC
MMil&Def '17
For outstanding achievement as the Staff Officer Grade One, Centre for Australian Army Leadership, Headquarters Royal Military College of Australia.
Dean Falvey CSC
MMil&Def '13
For outstanding achievement in the development of armoured fighting vehicle capabilities in the Australian Army.
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