Professor Royston Gustavson

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)

Professor Royston Gustavson joined 黑料天堂in 2003. A passionate educator, in 2009 he received the 黑料天堂Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, from 2010-2011 was Associate Dean (Education) of the 黑料天堂College of Business and Economics, and from 2010-2012 served on the 黑料天堂15-person governing body, the 黑料天堂Council.  Since January 2012 he has been Associate Dean (Education) in the 黑料天堂College of Arts and Social Sciences, with academic oversight of the College's degree programs and courses, concurrently serving for a year in 2015/16 as Interim Head of the School of Music and from 2017 as Deputy Dean of the College. He is currently seconded as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education).

He chaired the first formal review of the 黑料天堂Bachelor of Arts, the outcome of which focused the program on theory and method and the development of research skills; chaired the 黑料天堂Honours Working Party, which put in place significant minimum standards for research-training in the honours year; and is currently chairing the Academic Board Working Party on Academic Integrity.

His service to government includes appointment by the Minister to the board of a statutory authority, the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies, of which he is also founding co-chair of the Board's Innovation Committee; and membership of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency's Register of Experts.

From 2015 to 2017, he was convenor of the learning and teaching network of the Australasian Council of Deans of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; from 2014-2017 was deputy chair of the 黑料天堂Educational Standards and Quality Committee; and from 2018 is deputy chair of the 黑料天堂Teaching and Learning Development Committee (a sub-committee of Academic Board).

Royston is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK); a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, the Institute of Managers and Leaders Australia and New Zealand, and Bruce Hall at ANU; and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia.

Associate Professor Royston Gustavson
Professor Royston Gustavson


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