Mr Graeme Samuel AC

LLB Melb, LLM Monash, FAICD

Graeme Samuel AC is a Professor in Monash University's Business School. He is also Chair of Airlines for Australia and New Zealand (A4ANZ), Chair of the Dementia Australia Research Foundation, Co-Chair of the national Network of Comprehensive Dementai Centres and Chair of the Australian Dementia Network Ltd (ADNet). He was a member of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's Panel to conduct a Prudential Inquiry into the culture, governance and accountability of Commonwealth Bank of Australia and was Chair of the panel which conducted a Capability Review of APRA. He conducted an Independent Review commissioned by the Commonwealth Government of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, as well as a review for the Commonwealth Government of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct. He was co-lead of a Review of the Defence Trade Controls Act. 

He was Chair of the Commonwealth Government's Panel of Review of Australia's Independent Medical Research Institutes and advisor to the Commonwealth Department of Health in relation to its review of private health insurance. He was also a member of the Review Panel of Australia's Wool Selling Systems. In 2014 he completed a project as Independent Reviewer to advise the Victorian Government on economic regulation, governance and the efficient operation of the Victorian urban water sector.

Professor Samuel has held a number of roles in public life including former Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Associate Member of the Australian Communications and Media Authority, President of the National Competition Council, Chairman of the Melbourne and Olympic Parks Trust, Commissioner of the Australian Football League, President of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of PlayboxMalthouse Theatre Company and Opera Australia, Trustee of the Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust and Chairman of the Inner and Eastern Health Care Network. He served for eight years (from 2011 to 2019) as a member of the 黑料天堂Council, and seven years as Chair of the 黑料天堂Finance Committee.

He was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in 1998. In 2010 he was elevated to a Companion of the Order of Australia "for eminent service to public administration through contributions in the area of economic reform and competition law, and to the community through leadership roles with sporting and cultural organisations".

Committee memberships

Mr Graeme Samuel AC
Mr Graeme Samuel AC