Dr Nathan Emmerich
I am a Senior Lecturer in Bioethics within the School of Medicine and Psychology, College of Health and Medicine where I lead the theme for Professionalism and Leadership (PAL) in Phase 1 of the MChD. I also convene the capstone course, Bioethics and Society (BIOL3191), and the Honors programme in Health Sciences. My research is primarily concerned with ethics in medicine and healthcare, particularly ethical issues associated with the end of life, the question of conscientious objection and, recently, the use of psychedelics in a therapeutic context. I joined the university in 2018.
I am committed to the idea of a university as a public institution that serves the broader goals of society. This relates to both the education of students, which should go beyond the technocratic and concern itself with the inculcation of widely shared democratic norms relating to global citizenship, and research, which should aim to engage with the priorities and needs of the societies they serve. As a part of such efforts, we should also be engaged with the priorities our societies adopt and the way in which our collective needs, goods and responsibilities should be understood.
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