Professor Joe Hope
Joe Hope is an ARC Future Fellow who leads a theory group focussing on many aspects of quantum theory. He investigates atom lasers, BEC, quantum memories, atom-light entanglement and quantum field theoretical techniques. He is also interested in feedback-based control of atom lasers and other high-dimensional quantum systems.
Professor Hope teaches the undergraduate theoretical physics course Phys3001 and the honours course in quantum mechanics. He uses blended learning approaches in these courses, where lectures are replaced by online materials and face-to-face time comes in the form of workshops. He is also using this approach as the basis for the MeriSTEM project, which aims to provide similar materials for secondary education.
Professor Hope's group hosts the development for the popular XMDS software integration package (, which has been downloaded in 71 countries. He is the secretary for the Australian Institute of Physics, and on the committees of the Education and Women in Physics topical subgroups of the AIP. He works with local high school physics teachers to support secondary teaching, and often co-ordinates or performs outreach activities.
Joe was a recipient of a 2015 Australian Award for University Teaching - Award for Teaching Excellence.